
Up the Yangtze without a Paddle

4 min read

We were on a slow boat to China… actually it was a slow boat in China. Me and the guys were on deck, taking in the steady parade of river traffic - cruise ships like ours, barges and freighters. China was overflowing with the surplus of life. That was when one of the guys spotted the body in the steel grey river. Its human form and face unmistakable. It moved past us with a speed that made no sense, like it had someplace to be. But nobody seemed to notice. Shouldn’t we tell someone?

Some Cool Places to See After You Die - Part 1

3 min read

Everyone talks about places to see before you die. But what about catching up on your wish list after you kick the bucket? The deals are incredible, the accommodations are whatever you want and you can pack very light. Best of all, no reservations, no money to change and no sunscreen. And should you forget anything, no problem. You’re dead – you can laugh it off.

How Ian Fleming Saved My Blackberry – a James Bond Adventure

4 min read

I think all boys who grew up in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s have a bromance with James Bond. I don’t mean the actors who portrayed him for the past fifty-five years. I mean the fictional super spy himself. He’s a boy’s idea of where they see themselves at 25 – confident, in charge and playing with the best toys in the universe.

Chamber of Ten Thousand Flowers/Toilet

Chamber of Ten Thousand Flowers/Toilet
3 min read

Well that’s what the sign said. I wasn’t sure if it was indicating two different destinations or… maybe this was just the most beautiful euphemism ever for a bathroom. “S’cuse me, I need to use the Chamber of Ten Thousand Flowers. Do you have the key?”